A day in the life of Us. Our life, Our journey, and Our thoughts about everything...

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Heart Cali :)

So, I haven't blogged since Decemeber so I figured it's time to update. Let's see...We are really enjoying California so far. The weather is getting really nice and it's suppose to reach 77 degrees this week. Super excited to get and enjoy the warmth this week. I kinda feel like we got cheated out of summer last year bc when we left Germany on Sept 10th, it was still cold there. We had a good three weeks of summer the whole time we were home visiting in GA, then we came here and it was fall. I'm excited to have a yard of our own so I can get out and plant flowers and all that good stuff. Max really enjoys the yard too. He lays outside all day in the sun and chases birds around the yard.

Harry finally got an ALS date of May 25th. After he finishes up with the 6 weeks of ALS  he will offically be SSgt Sinner! I'm so proud of him :) As for me, I have tried my hardest to find a job out here and it's not looking good. I am starting back on my financial aid and testing stuff so I can get back in school this coming semester. I didn't get all my stuff done in time to start this pass semester so I have to get on the ball this time. It's not easy going back to school after you have been out for a while but now is the perfect time for me to do it. Well, I think that is pretty much it for the time being. I want to start blogging more often bc it's too much trying to keep everyone update on MySpace and Facebook with all the pics and everything. So..Much love for you guys xoxo!!